

Index Unicon

Unicon features

Unicon is a feature rich environment. This chapter deals with some of the more miscellaneous components included in Unicon that are not detailed in other sections.

Keyboard functions

Unicon supports keyboard scanning outside normal standard IO operation support. This allows for pending key tests, unbuffered input (no Enter key required) and other niceties.

kbhit() checks if there is a keyboard character waiting to be read. getch() reads a key (and will wait if needed) without echo to screen. getche() reads a key (and will wait if needed) with echo to screen.

# keyboarding.icn, demonstrate keyboard functions
procedure main()
    if kbhit() then write(ch := getch())
    write("keyscan: ", image(ch)) 


Sample run:

prompt$ unicon -s keyboarding.icn -x
keyscan: &null

Pseudo terminals

Qutaiba Mahmoud added support for pseudo terminals in Unicon when attaining his Master’s Degree in Computer Science, outlined in a report hosted along with the Unicon Technical Reports, at


Basically, a file stream is opened with mode "prw", which gives a Unicon master terminal program asynchronous read and write access to another interactive process.

This feature is similar to the capabilities provided in the famous Expect Tcl/Tk extension by Don Libes.


add pty sample

libz compression

Compression can be used in Unicon file operations, and is also supported in the compiler for compressed icode generation, if libz is available during Unicon build.

unicon -Z program.icn will produce a compressed icode file. It will be automatically uncompressed at runtime, assuming support is included in the current VM when invoked.

Programmers can also use this feature with the "z" mode modifier of the open function. Compressed data is not line oriented, so use reads and writes.

# gzio.icn, Demonstrate libz compression
link printf
procedure main()
    if not find("libz", &features) then stop("no libz compression")
    # compress some text, libz adds a little overhead
    filename := "gzio.txt.gz"
    f := open(filename, "wz") | stop("cannot write ", filename)
    writes(f, "First line\n")
    every 1 to 4 do writes(f, &ucase || &lcase || "\n")
    writes(f, "Last line\n")

    # image of compressed file
    f := open(filename, "r")
    data := reads(f, -1)

    write("Compressed data, size=", *data)

    # read and uncompress the data
    write("\nUncompressed data")
    f := open(filename, "rz")
    while writes(reads(f))

# display hex codes
procedure hexdump(s)
    local c, perline := 0
    every c := !s do {
        if (perline +:= 1) > 16 then write() & perline := 1
        writes(map(_doprnt("%02x ", [ord(c)]), &lcase, &ucase))


Sample run:

prompt$ unicon -s gzio.icn -x
Compressed data, size=89
1F 8B 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 73 CB 2C 2A 2E 51 
C8 C9 CC 4B E5 72 74 72 76 71 75 73 F7 F0 F4 F2 
F6 F1 F5 F3 0F 08 0C 0A 0E 09 0D 0B 8F 88 8C 4A 
4C 4A 4E 49 4D 4B CF C8 CC CA CE C9 CD CB 2F 28 
04 EA 29 2D 2B AF A8 AC 1A EC 9A 7C 12 61 BE 03 
00 22 21 2D 35 E9 00 00 00 

Uncompressed data
First line
Last line

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